
WC&H: A Thinly Veiled Intro to Christianity

"Nevertheless, Augustine firmly believes in the humility of his religion, a religion that asks not what we can humble deduce from scientific observation and analysis but rather proudly explores where the limits of blind faith can reach, a religion which has 'tamed him' and 'bridged every valley, leveled every mountain and hill of [his] thoughts' and 'cut straight their windings, paved their rough paths,' or, as I prefer to read it, leveled the topography of what was probably the beautiful landscape of a brilliant mind."

I am so over Western Civ.


Anonymous said...

Tell your teacher that I tuned out as soon as I got to "humility of his religion"

Leonard said...

Oh Agustine. Without you, where would we have come up with such marvelous ideas as Original Sin?

On the plus side, Agustine *was* one of the great thinkers of the western church for 1000 years, and he wasn't white. Tho you couldn't tell if you looked at any paintings of him. :)