
Aim Low

Thank you, Slate, for introducing me to Heather Armstrong, author of dooce.com and at least two books (too discouraged to look any further into it).  According to Slate she has over a million followers on twitter and enough blog readers to be able to support her family off the income she gets from the ads on her website.  

Meanwhile, I got two anonymous comments on my last post which I'd like to pretend were just random people discovering my post, but were probably really two people who saw me pimping this on Facebook.  Did I mention that Armstrong has been a blogger for a single year longer than I have?  This is clearly a lesson in stick-with-it-ness and not changing your domain name ten times.  Then again, with a handle like lawlessgoddess, your audience is limited to fellow angsty teenagers and wiccans.

Armstrong's bio is molto encouraging, though.  As anyone not looking for competition should, she encourages people to aim low and save themselves some time working hard.  On that note, I've revised my goal of becoming a prolific writer and making it onto wikipedia's shortlist of prominent essayists 
to selling enough ads on my blog to feed and inebriate myself.

Well, either that or adapt Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man into a modern coming-of-age teen comedy.


Unknown said...

You might have something with that teenage comedy...

Lexie said...

she has babies!!!!!!!!!!!

it's a serious advantage.