
Artificial Stressors

Let's just be real, for one second: when I strip away all of the artificial stressors of studying abroad (which, I'm convinced, are put there in order to insure only a rare few expatriate) - the ridiculous group socialization, the hectic, ever-changing schedule, the ridiculous living situations and lack of comfy places to sit - I absolutely love Europe, and see very few reasons not to live here.

The few, of course, are in major conflict with my life goals, but at least they're small in quantity.


Alexis said...

i love that you have the same puffalump as me. is yours inventively named "bunny?"

Leonard said...

I think what would definitely keep you in Europe would be an unplanned pregnancy, but I guess you can't plan that- it sort of takes away from the "unplanned" part of things, doesn't it? On the plus side, your parents might be *thrilled* to discover you having heterosexual sex, even if it did force you to become an expat.