
Jour Un

Florence was too small, not necessarily urban enough, and smelled like sulfur. Paris is too big, uninviting, and cold. Dublin was like a warm hug - which I received several of from the million fantastic people I met. Someday I will write more than half an unpublished entry about it.

Our Florence apartment didn't exactly set an amazingly high bar, with its washing machine that trapped a load in, micro-showers, and complete lack of heat during the last week, but compared to the Paris dorms it was like a palace. My roommate and I share a stoic dorm room that came outfitted with exactly three spoons, two of which are gigantic, no bowls, no towels, and not nearly enough bedding for how cold it is. Currently I am considering sleeping in layers and using my towel as a blanket. Also, drinking heavily.

In other news, it's raining, I've got a cold again, the internet sucks, and I wish I were having a more romanticized first full day in Paris, but mostly I just want to get hooked up with a proper comforter, or just blow everything off and go back to Dublin for keeps.

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