
Two Suggestions Regarding Absinthe

Way to get back on the good side of your study abroad group: produce your gambler's delight sugar cubes almost instantaneously at the suggestion of absinthe shots, then bravely be the first to light your green-soaked club-shaped cube on fire and plunge it into your shot.

Way to confirm your status as fucking weirdo outcast amongst your trip-mates: while all eyes are on you, proceed to drool all over yourself because you can't get the half-melted sugar cube and its accompanying taste of drain cleaner out of your mouth fast enough.

Good times!

1 comment:

goamerica76 said...

"Way to confirm your status as fucking weirdo outcast amongst your trip-mates..."

You know that absinthe is not hallucinogenic, right? It's just weird, green alcohol. That's all... One Love...